SEND Overview
Bower Park Academy welcomes everybody into our learning family, encouraging all students, regardless of background and ability, to reach their full potential. All students will benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum, with access to the National Curriculum at an appropriate level, so that they may grow into well-informed, confident individuals who are able to demonstrate independent learning and responsibility. Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) is Ms J. Scott, email
School Information Report and Local Offer
As part of the Children and Families Act 2013, Local Authorities are required to publish a ‘Local Offer’, which sets out the support that is available for children and young people with SEND in the local area. Havering’s Local Offer can be found by clicking here.
This tells parents how to access services in their area and what to expect from these services. All schools are also required to write a School Information Report each year.
Support in the Classroom
Teaching Staff
Our students with SEND and their parents are able to communicate regularly with the SENDCo. Specific needs are communicated through an Individual Pupil Passport, which lists strategies for learning. These Pupil Passports are then available for all staff to use to assist in the teaching of individual students.
All teachers are employed to provide Quality First teaching for our students, adapting their teaching styles and resources to accommodate all our learners.
Learning Support Assistants
Our Learning Support Assistants will work with students with SEND both inside and outside the classroom to enable them to maximise their progress across the curriculum.
The Bower Park Learning Support Assistants are an excellent team of dedicated and enthusiastic individuals, all keen to make a difference to the students they support.
Learning Support Assistants will:
- Provide in-class, small group or one-to-one support, as identified on a student’s Individual Education Plan.
- Encourage our students to become independent learners.
- Assist, where possible, with any difficulty faced by any pupils which prevents them from learning.
- Expect a high level of commitment and a positive attitude to learning from all students they support.
- Support teachers in providing appropriate resources to assist with learning.
- Monitor the progress of students they support in their subject and refer issues to the SENDCo.
- Contribute to reviewing of Individual Education Plans and Education, Health and Care Plans.
Support with Examinations
We follow the guidelines laid down by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). A student may be eligible for access arrangements in their examinations.
Access arrangements could include:
- Extra time in exams and assessments
- Supervised rest breaks in exams and assessments
- Use of a reader in exams and assessments (but NOT English)
- Use of a scribe in exams and assessments
Please note that students have to be assessed formally for eligibility, and are only granted access arrangements if he/she meets certain pre-defined criteria.
Support Outside the Classroom
Support for our students with SEND is much more than just that offered within the classroom. At Bower Park, we aim to ensure that all students succeed at university or a real alternative, thrive in a top job and have a great life. The support we offer is designed to enable our students with SEND to achieve this.
The Station
The Station is an area of inclusivity. Here, we carry out interventions and additional sessions, both one-to-one with students and in small groups as appropriate, with a wide range of resources and technology.
The Station is also home to a number of additional clubs and workshops, which are available for our students to attend on a weekly basis.
As well as providing support for students in the main curriculum subjects, we also offer sessions in other areas tailored to our individual students.
School Trips
Many of our Key Stage 4 students who require further help with life skills also go on regular trips to local shops and supermarkets to practice their numeracy and social skills.
School Dog
Bernadette, our school dog, likes to visit and loves reading! Many of our SEND students enjoy spending some time with Bernie, reading to her or simply having a chat.
Other Partners
Students are also able to access many additional agencies if necessary. In school we can offer regular appointments with our own counsellor.
At times, it may also be necessary to consult with external agencies such as the Borough Educational Psychology Team, speech and language therapists or CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)