
Department vision

Being able to communicate in a foreign language brings a wealth of benefits. Not only does it help us comprehend how others see the world, but it also helps us to better understand the mechanisms of our own language. With travel and commerce stretching further around the globe than ever before, being able to communicate in a foreign language and understand cultural differences is key to economic and political success. Spanish is the fourth most widely spoken language in the world, playing a vital role in allowing our pupils to expand their horizons, both as individuals and professionals.

We firmly believe that teaching our pupils the key concepts of phonics, building a strong grammatical foundation and developing their cultural knowledge sets them on a path to be able to communicate their thoughts and ideas successfully.

We aim to provide teaching that promotes high standards of literacy and equips pupils with a love for Spanish and Hispanic culture, as well as an eagerness to use their new knowledge in the world, either when travelling or at work.

Our ambitious key stage 3 curriculum, along with its balance of speaking, listening, reading and writing assessments that replicate the style and conditions of the GCSE, prepares pupils for key stage 4 and beyond.

We believe that acquiring a language naturally fosters retention and deepens knowledge through regular review of previous lessons. Furthermore, a solid grasp of grammar enhances skills in inference, deduction, induction, and logical thinking. Consistently revisiting and applying prior learning throughout the course will significantly bolster students’ retention of essential skills.

What will my son/daughter learn at Key Stage 3?

Students learn the Spanish language through a variety of activities devised to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.

They learn how to apply the language in different situations of their everyday life. They also learn about the geography and the culture of countries where Spanish is spoken.

In year 7, pupils are introduced to the language and culture of the country, and topics include meeting people, family and friends, school life, home life, town/city, daily routine and leisure activities.

In year 8, topics include food and drink, holidays, shopping, activities in the past tense and clothes.

In year 9, students review key stage 3 key language and grammar and are introduced to the topic of customs and festivals in countries where Spanish is spoken. Students also learn about global and social issues.

How will I be assessed?

Key stage 3 students are assessed for one or two of the four skills, with an assessment at the at the end of the unit studied.

Are there any learning opportunities beyond the classroom?

The MFL department is planning a trip to Spain.

Which GCSE specification do we prepare pupils for?

AQA – Further information about the AQA specification can be found by following this link: AQA GCSE Spanish.

What will my son/daughter learn at KS4?

Year 10: Theme 1. Introduction of GCSE theme 2: Home and local area, holidays and travel; theme 3: School and future plans

Year 11: Revision of themes 1-3.  Introduction of GCSE theme 4: Work and theme 5: Environment

How will I be assessed?

Key stage 4 students are assessed for the four skills of GCSE exams throughout the course. The final assessment consists of examinations in listening, reading, speaking and writing, and they can sit this exam in either the foundation or higher tier.

Are there any learning opportunities beyond the classroom?

Students can join the Spanish club and participate in revision sessions.

Do I need any special equipment to study Spanish?

No, but you can always use online resources.

Are there any websites that will support my son’s/daughter’s learning?



Lyrics Training

Languages Online

Language Gym

BBC Bitesize Key Stage 3

BBC Bitesize GCSE

Head of Department: Mrs S. Alexis